My Family and Other Animals

'Dirt Music' by Tim Winton

I have just finished reading this amazing book. Tim Winton has an ability that words do not do justice to. You feel Luther Foxs' pain and anguish as if it is your own, while Georgie is the nurturing type who annoys the hell out of you, who you want to shout at, but you can't help loving her for who she is; and Jim Buckridge - well everyone knows a guy just like him. An arse-hole who is trying in the end to redeem himself, and make himself feel good at the same time.

I would describe reading this book, as a lovely juicy mango, that you take a bite of and it is so juicy and just ... yummy. Not only is it a wonderful story, but the words, the descriptions, the way he describes everything is just...... just so awe inspiring!!! I can't do justice to it. I can only pay homage to a wordsmith extraordinaire.

I would entreat anyone who is considering reading any of Mr Wintons' books to savour the experience slowly, and enjoy enjoy enjoy.


  1. Saludos,

    Acabo de leerme el libro traducido al español y creo que en su traducción se ha perdido algo. Me hubiera gustado disfrutar más de las descripciones que hace de Australia, una verdadera pena.

    1. Oh, but it did. Even though the town it self was fictional, Tim Winton described a normal country fishing town in Australia. Though I have always lived in the city I have visited places like this in country Western Australia and the people and places are described so beautifully. Have you read his book "Cloudstreet"? That is wonderful! In it he describes Perth, Western Australia in the 1960's to perfection. That is where I live and I can attest to it. Though I was not born till 1963 it is the way he describes the people & country that is perfect. The language he uses as well. I'm sorry that you didn't enjoy "Dirt Music". Many regards. Sheryl


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