My Family and Other Animals

Whats in a name? Corona virus/Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19


Having more than one (1) autoimmune disease, puts me at a High Risk of developing complications if I were to contract Corona virus.

As the situation has been developing my concerns, along with everyone else were escalating.

I have written before about my medical conditions, but my latest one is my greatest concern - CREST, though I'm not sure if that is the case with my GP. Possibly just the fact that I have the autoimmune diseases at all makes him concerned for me simply because.

My daughter had been identified by her employer as being in the high risk category because of her auto immune disease - Coeliac disease, so has been off work since last Thursday.

When she rang me and told me, I thought to myself, Oh boy, now its getting more serious. I promised her that I would ring and talk to my GP.

Last Monday was my day off so I had over the weekend booked a telehealth phone call and I discussed it with him in the allotted time.

His advise was exactly what I had expected - you are at high risk Sheryl and must stay in isolation. You must not be at work at this time. I assured him that I was taking everything we had talked about into consideration and would contact him before the end of the week.

My main concern was leaving my co-workers in the lurch. While I understand that for my organisation I am just another number in the cog and know that I can be replaced. I did not want to just walk out though and leave my colleagues.

In the end the control was taken from us (by us I mean myself and another co-worker in the same situation) and we were ordered home. We then spent the rest of that working day chasing our tails in regard to what our employer wanted to allow us to be off work. Neither of us wanted to use our annual leave when we both had a lot of personal leave up our sleeves.

Eventually I obtained a letter of recommendation from my GP and submitted leave for a few weeks to see what was going to happen. We ended finishing up quite late as we had a lot to do before walking out the door and heading home to our respective homes.

Day 1

I was awake early letting our old dog out to the toilet, before going back to bed and simply crashing. I awoke just before 9 am. Got up and had a cuppa before sitting down to check the required emails and Facebook.

Had brunch with the daughter before showering and getting dressed.

Spent the rest of the day alternating between playing Words with Friends 2, emptying out our spare room and moving things to our new shed and taking numerous breaks and drinking tea.

We had a very very early dinner, before cleaning up and sitting down to rest. Talked on the phone to two colleagues for just over 2 hours and then sat down on the computer to do some family tree research.

I'm used to working, so we have made lists with things on that we want to achieve. The priority being to move things into the shed.

So that's my first day in isolation nearly at an end. Hopefully day 2 is a bit more productive.

Day 2-5

So we have been busy, but not, if that makes sense!! Have spent the last 4 days doing a variety of things. We recently had a shed built, so are in the process of moving a lot of things into the shed, like my husbands two work benches, bikes, lawnmowers and all of the things that for some reason we are keeping because we just can't throw them out!!!

I did ask myself numerous times if we really need the snorkel and fins that we have, as none of us go snorkeling or swimming for that matter, even though we live on the coast. We used to use them when we were in our 20's and 30's, but haven't even been fishing for a long long time. But guess what, the fishing rods, reels, tackle box and the snorkel and fins are all in the shed because we just might need them at some time!! lol

So apart from moving things from the house to the shed, we have also managed to wash and buzz cut one of the dogs; the other one is watching us very carefully in case we make a move to pick up their shampoo and conditioner and then she will be off running and hiding!!

We have built (I use that term quite loosely) three (3) shelving units for the shed and one (1) for the spare room. They are easy to put together - you only need a rubber mallet and a screw driver - though there are no screws! We have two (2) more to do.

We have bought and put together a computer table, that when we got nearly to the end we discovered did not have the bases for the drawers included! End result company gave us a small refund and we have discovered in our tidy up that we have the material, we just have to cut it to size.

So self isolation is going well. We are managing to work our way around most things. A friend of my daughters was happy to do some shopping for us, as though we are going to the Spud Shed at midnight to avoid the crowds and the same with Chemist warehouse (a quick visit at 7pm) and we were the only customers in the store. So smart shopping is working in most cases. On-line shopping for grocery's is a no go area at the moment! But we managed to buy the 2nd last computer table on line via The Good Guys and when I picked up the table, again discovered no customers in the store and social distancing was in place and being actively used by the staff.

Doctors are doing the telehealth calls and I have even organised for someone to come and take my blood for my specialists blood test that I do every 3mths.

We did the car park catch up with my sister and father today, sitting in a train station car park half way between our homes. It was almost empty. Next time we plan on taking some outdoor chairs (as long as it doesn't rain!).

Both my daughter and I are in planning stages to work from home with our separate employers. I have to attend our head office tomorrow for a two (2) hour training session - my only stress at the moment.

Hope that everyone else are going well. Stay safe, stay calm and plan carefully.


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