My Family and Other Animals

Dear Mum

Dear Mum :)

I saw you the other day as I was rushing from the kitchen to the back room. Standing so quietly that I nearly missed you.

I wondered if you came with my great grandmother Margaret? I can feel her presence sometimes and have woken and seen her as well. But this I think was your first time visiting?

I wish that I could hug you, smother you in kisses and just sit and have a chat over a cup of tea. It was not meant to be.

All those plans we talked about before Sarah came along. But our lives were going in a different direction.

At random times memories assault me - of being off school sick and you saying "stay in bed till your Dad goes to work." Then getting up if I was up to it, and helping you strip the bed's of their sheets. We chatted about so many things. I treasure the memory of those times.

I remember you trusting me to iron Dad's hankies and maybe the tea-towels! It wasn't till I was older that I was allowed to iron his shirts and trousers. Ironing... no wonder you let me do that job!!!

I told Sarah that I saw you.... she just looks at me and nods her head. She thinks it is 'creepy' when I talk about seeing people. But it's not just anyone.

I miss you xxoxoxox


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