My Family and Other Animals

Old Photos from Nana

Last year I had great expectations that the photo album that I borrowed from Aunty Pat would be fully scanned, named and even burnt onto discs for family members to keep and behold, before Christmas just gone. But alas, not so! What got in my way but that little thing called LIFE. So if you are reading this Aunty Pat, I am still plodding along. More interesting things like a NEW book or I should say books, get in my face and make themselves known to me and I have every intention of just sitting and reading for only 20 minutes, but then before I know it a few hours have gone by!! So today, I have sat down and though I haven't made a New Years resolution or any promises to myself (because I know they are hard to keep) I have gone through the following  lengthy process.

Firstly, try and remove the photo from the album. Nana must have thought it was a beaut idea at the time - when she put a dab of glue on the back of the photos. They certainly haven't moved!! So with nail scissors in hand I am carefully removing them, the album has lumps of paper removed, but the photos are in good condition! LOL

Secondly I get my trusty photo pencil and carefully write the details of the subjects - attempting to write full names when known, so that some other family member doesn't have the same problem. (I had Dad go through them back in August 2011 and give me some names to the faces.)

Then I scan the photos individually, saving them twice - once in PDF format and then as JPG's, just in case someone can't open them (I hope this works!!). Once scanned I then name each scanned photo.

Then I attach photo corners and put them back where they came from. One page done, 40 minutes lost and I only have another 30 - 50 pages to go!!!

Check out the dashing guy in the photo to the right. My Dad, Terry Byrne, about 1960 at the Fremantle Docks with Clare and Charlie Findlay. The different fashions are interesting to observe. Check out Clare in the long skirt and hat, the older men all seem to have trousers and suit jackets on, but the girl behind Clare has leggings, scarf and dark sunny's.

The photo at the top has my brother Greg on the left with my cousin Daniel Zammit, behind them are Daniels sister Nicole, Nana - Violet Byrne and myself. The photo was taken about 1983-84.

Thanks Nana. I'm glad you kept the photos.


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