My Family and Other Animals

Goble family tree

I decided recently to have a dig to see how far I could get in tracing my husbands family. I surprised myself and was very pleased with the depth of information I managed to source.  I seem to have gotten further with my mother in laws family line of Packers and Sandwell, than with the Goble line. Having gotten stuck with my husbands great grand father Frank Goble.

I am hoping that a quick request for a marriage certificate will help resolve that problem, as I was lucky to have found more information on his wife Bertha Ann Sales than I have on himself. 

Frank Goble was born approximately 1871, location unsure but presumably England, though I have heard whisper that there are gypsy folk in the Goble tree. Which then causes a problem as I have no idea where to start looking if that is the case. I have located his marriage to Bertha Ann SALES on the 15th April 1894 in Lewisham, Kent, England. I have recorded his death as approx 1925 - again location unknown.

I have recorded three children for him and Bertha - Winifred, Frank & Frederick William Goble.

At present this is all the information that I have. If you come across this page and can help, please just add a comment and information and I will get back to you.


  1. My uncle's wife was not a Goble but was a Coble. The Cobles were respected dairy farmers in Stanley county, or surrounding counties, in NC.
    I just wondered about the spellings being so close, and thought you might want to see if these are two ways to spell the same original name.
    If so, maybe this will help your research. If not, you will have a typical wild goose chase, but isn't that half the fun?

    1. Hi Anon, Yes I would be interested, do you have the information in a blog/website or on Ancestry or something similar?
      Yours Sheryl


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