My Family and Other Animals

C.R.E.S.T or Scleroderma

Soooo 2017 was a pretty traumatic year but I just know that 2018 is going to be a huge improvement.

So far my fasting blood sugar has dropped from 9.9 down to 5.9 which is great. The medication I am taking for the CREST is restoring the feeling to my fingers and my blood pressure has dropped. I just need to monitor it to make sure it doesn't drop below 90 (the top number/systolic).

My index finger on my left hand is still sore and swollen though the medication is working in that its not as sore as it was a month ago. The nail is still thickened and has moved away from the skin under the nail (which is what is causing my discomfort), but thankfully there is no abscess there.

My ankles are still becoming swollen every day, but a minor problem as it is the medication causing the swelling and not fluid, so annoying and sometimes uncomfortable but not a real issue.

According to the Rheumatologist on my last visit I also have Sjogren's syndrome, just because I needed something else to worry about!! 

So I have had a really dry mouth for several years and also over the last 10 months I have noticed that my eyes seem to be very sensitive to the light, even during the winter months. Apart from the sensitivity to light I have noticed a blurring to my vision at times as well. Apparently these are a good indication that I have Sjogren's syndrome.

I have included the links to the Australian Scleroderma website as well as to the Mayo clinic, where there is an easy to read piece about Sjogren's syndrome, so click on the names to be redirected.

I started Tai Chi last year and am really enjoying it. It makes me smile.


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