My Family and Other Animals

Two thousand and twelve

Well its Boxing Day 2012, the year is nearly over. We survived the warnings that the world was going to end and hopefuly will live to see many many more years. The year has been difficult at times, fun, but then sad at the same time.

Sad because friends are having to confront medical problems with children, who should be getting on with life and having a great time, rather than spending precious time waiting in hospital rooms, for doctors and nurses and having treatments that we wouldn't spray on our vegetables, but is supposed to cure that horrible disease 'cancer'.

We all hope and pray that this will never happen to us, but then are lost for words, hurrying to find the right words, rather than asking that inane but genuine greeting "how are you?"  when you see them.  Knowing full well that they are not ok. Their hair has fallen out, they feel worse than crap - only a fellow survivor will be able to grasp the extent of how crappy they feel! You want to appear normal, you attempt to project a normal appearance, but know that you have failed dismally. The fact that you have surreptiously wiped a tear from the corner of your eye and had to clear your throat before you could speak, tells it all. But no-one says anything because at the end of the day we all feel the same way. So to anyone reading this, who wonders why I have beat around the bushes, its because its too hard to express my feelings properly other than to say that how I feel would reflect in action - jumping up and down, screaming at the top of my voice, "NO!!!!!!!!!"

The fun things I have enjoyed this year, are the day to day small things. Spending time with my amazing daughter; laughing at the same time over a silly joke - "I must~ache you a question" (hold something over your upper lip, as if its a mustache, when you say it!!! Then its funny - really!!! :) ) Well we thought it was funny!! My husband didn't get it, but then that's men for you!!

Reading some good books, some that are not so good and some that were life changing.

Going out for tea with friends and spending about 5 hours just talking, talking, talking.

Having coffee and cake with my daughter and just catching up.

Talking to the family dog, because she doesn't yell at me when I do stupid things, she doesn't judge me and always is ready with a friendly lick and a cuddle.

Being excited that I will celebrate another birthday in about 6 weeks time, but sad and surprised to say that I will be fifty years old/young.

Sad because my darling mum has been in heaven 7 years now and I still miss her so very much.

This year feels as if it has passed so quickly. Is that because I am getting older? I don't feel old, until I try to climb up off the floor after scrubbing the tiles. OMG what an effort that is, and doesn't my back remind me that I'm not young any more.

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and that they have a Safe and Happy New Year.

Post Script:
RLW- On the 12th February 2013 - at the tender age of 20yrs, a young woman just on the cusp of life,  left this earth to join the Angels above. She will be remembered as a very courageous, beautiful, giving daughter, sister and friend. May she be free from pain and rest in peace.  xxoxo


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